The Comparison Analysis of Voice Level Through Pitch and Formant Value Identification Techniques Through Praat Software

  • Yonatan E. Laia
Keywords: Forensic Linguistic, pitch, formant


This research is aimed to analyze the comparison of the voice level through the pitch and formant identification on the Praat software. In addition, this research focuses on a simple case study that involves ten speakers of men, native and non-native, in pronouncing ten words containing vocals with the help of a PRAAT application to calculate the Pitch and Formant of speech. Technically, the research method used in obtaining a comparison of the pitch and formant of the ten speakers is descriptive-analysis by presenting data in the form of tables of numbers and graphs. This research involved one native speaker and ten non-native teacher to get comparable results. The data retrieval method uses PRAAT with audio files as the main data source. The results of this study indicate that the accuracy and the validity of comparison speakers are very low, Based on the sampling of voice data from ten speakers, it can be concluded that the value of pitch and formant are not consistent and can be applied to prove the native and non-native speaker.


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